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Lee County Sheriff’s Posse
P.O. Box 132
Giddings, TX 78942
2591 US-290
Giddings, TX 78942

Mark Goodson - Rodeo Chairman - (979) 542-9277
Debbie Hibbeler - 972-754-7619


The Lee County Sheriff’s Posse was founded in 1953 by volunteers of Lee County, Texas. the Lee County Sheriff’s Posse still upholds our founding volunteer’s dream by preserving western heritage and promoting the Sport of Rodeo. The LCSP believes in the Youth and the future ahead of them. We teach them to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship through the teachings of good horsemanship.


Mark Goodson  (979) 542-9277

Debbie Hibbeler (972) 754-7619

2591 US-290

Giddings, Texas 78942

2591 US-290Giddings, TX 78942

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